Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean facilisis ex bibendum urna feugiat tincidunt. Duis suscipit non turpis eget hendrerit. Nulla nec imperdiet dolor. Praesent nec mi et massa venenatis volutpat. Pellentesque imperdiet at ante vitae tincidunt. Aenean accumsan tellus eget dignissim ultrices. Fusce eu lorem sed libero fringilla ultricies. Pellentesque mollis nisl eros,…

What does a Community Manager do?

Exceptional Communication Skills The community manager will be responding publicly on behalf of the brand.  They will need to be thoroughly versed in its tone and voice.  As a communications professional, they will need to have excellence writing, proofreading, and editing skills.  They will need to champion empathy in all their work.  Also, they will…

ROI of Social Media: Risk of Irrelevance

Social media is the most pervasive shift in communication in history.  It is permeating all aspects of society from inspiring citizens to organize against governments as in the Arab Spring to how students learn with communities such as the Khan Academy to how brands advertise their products.  There are 3.5 billion internet users world-wide.  There…

Social Media Measurement

Social listening technology easily provides quantitative metrics for total volume, mentions by time period, information shares, potential reach and many other numeric outputs.  They also dabble in the analysis of qualitative data with sentiment scores, word clouds and trend clusters.  While these can be helpful as a discovery function, there is no mistaking these outputs…

Social Media Glossary

Common words and phrases used within the discipline of social media. Blog An online journal that is updated by an individual or group of individuals intended for public viewing. Posts are generally viewed in reverse chronological order and are regarding a common theme. Brand Ambassador A brand ambassador in social media is a responder who…

How to calculate NPS in social media

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac dui tristique, laoreet nibh sit amet, dictum dui. Quisque id feugiat orci, ut congue turpis. Vivamus laoreet nisi neque, eu malesuada urna mattis sed. Aliquam porttitor nulla vitae turpis cursus mollis. Sed vitae tincidunt libero, sit amet fermentum orci. Phasellus condimentum odio vel dignissim auctor.…

What is social media care?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sapien nibh, congue vel mauris maximus, commodo maximus ante. Aliquam eget fermentum lacus. Sed semper elementum est. Vestibulum dapibus libero eget iaculis semper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce id cursus odio. Nunc aliquet at arcu in semper. Nam…

What is social intelligence?

Social media intelligence is a capability to acquire information online; the skill to discern its relevance, context and meaning; and the ability to identify actions based on its insights.  Intelligence at its core is the ability of a species to acquire information and adapt its behavior to ensure its survival.  Change is inevitable.  Evolution is…

What is social media?

Social media is a means to connect with current and future customers to raise awareness of your brand, to gain insights and to support customers.  It is a multi-channal component for growth and innovation.  No one owns social media.  It is a synergy of many departments working together. Furthermore, social media can be defined as…

IMAGINE Data Model

IMAGINE is a conceptual model used within the discipline of social media intelligence to govern data acquisition, its management, meaning derivation and utilization to serve the organization. This model is intended for medium to large scale organizations. The first step required to perform analysis of any form of data is to obtain it. To acquire…