How to calculate NPS in social media

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac dui tristique, laoreet nibh sit amet, dictum dui. Quisque id feugiat orci, ut congue turpis. Vivamus laoreet nisi neque, eu malesuada urna mattis sed. Aliquam porttitor nulla vitae turpis cursus mollis. Sed vitae tincidunt libero, sit amet fermentum orci. Phasellus condimentum odio vel dignissim auctor.…

What is social media care?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sapien nibh, congue vel mauris maximus, commodo maximus ante. Aliquam eget fermentum lacus. Sed semper elementum est. Vestibulum dapibus libero eget iaculis semper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce id cursus odio. Nunc aliquet at arcu in semper. Nam…

What is social intelligence?

Social media intelligence is a capability to acquire information online; the skill to discern its relevance, context and meaning; and the ability to identify actions based on its insights.  Intelligence at its core is the ability of a species to acquire information and adapt its behavior to ensure its survival.  Change is inevitable.  Evolution is…

What is social media?

Social media is a means to connect with current and future customers to raise awareness of your brand, to gain insights and to support customers.  It is a multi-channal component for growth and innovation.  No one owns social media.  It is a synergy of many departments working together. Furthermore, social media can be defined as…

IMAGINE Data Model

IMAGINE is a conceptual model used within the discipline of social media intelligence to govern data acquisition, its management, meaning derivation and utilization to serve the organization. This model is intended for medium to large scale organizations. The first step required to perform analysis of any form of data is to obtain it. To acquire…

Data currency

Data is the currency that will fund the development of tomorrow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed libero orci, tincidunt ut dui in, pharetra luctus sapien. Donec nec rhoncus mauris. Ut mattis lectus posuere nibh blandit congue. Etiam mauris felis, luctus ac est ac, malesuada bibendum mi. In cursus quam eget ultrices bibendum. Sed elementum purus turpis, sit amet pellentesque eros tincidunt eget.…

Social Networking: Vogue Novelty or the Next Step

Relationships are the most valuable asset in life. They are the currency of emotional well-being. Too often we neglect our personal relationships due to work, stress and the demands of modern life.  Social networks serve as the thread that connects us to each other through which we share the sublime to mundane.  While digital networks…